Thursday, March 19, 2015

1500 Word Essay

                                          Woodstock 1999

          Preformed July, 22 to July 25 1999,  it was the second large-scale music festival since Woodstock 1994 in attempt to emulate the original Woodstock festival in 1969. However this Woodstock was preformed in upstate New York and approximately 200,000 people attended the festival. Woodstock '99 was marred by violence, rape, and fires bring the festival to an abrupt end.
               Violent action sprang up after the band "Limp Bizkit" preformed causing the crowd to tear plywood off of fences and multiple reports of sexual assault were documented. Violence escalated the next night during the final hours of the concert as Red Hot Chili Peppers performed. A group of peace promoters led by the anti-gun violence organization Pax (later renamed the Center to Prevent Youth Violence) had distributed candles to those stopping at their booth during the day, intending them for a candlelight vigil to be held during the Chili Peppers' performance of the song "Under the Bridge". During the band's set, the crowd began to light the candles, some also using candles and lighters to start bonfires. The hundreds of empty plastic water bottles that littered the lawn area were used as fuel for the fire. After the Chili Peppers were finished with their main set, the audience was informed about "a bit of a problem." An audio tower caught fire, and the fire department was called in to extinguish it.
          Back onstage for an encore, the Chili Peppers' lead singer Anthoy Kiedis remarked how amazing the fires looked from the stage, comparing them to the 1979 film Apocalypse Now. The band proceeded to play "Sir Psycho Sexy", followed by their rendition of Jimi Hendrix's "Fire". Kiedis later stated in his autobiography, Scar Tissue, that Hendrix's sister had asked the Chili Peppers to play "Fire" in honor of Jimi and his performance at the original Woodstock festival, and that they were not playing it to encourage the crowd. Many large bonfires were burning high before the band left the stage for the last time. Participants danced in circles around the fires. Looking for more fuel, some tore off panels of plywood from the supposedly inviolable security perimeter fence. ATMs were tipped over and broken into, trailers full of merchandise and equipment were forced open and burgled, and abandoned vendor booths were turned over, and set afire.
          MTV, which had been providing live coverage, removed its entire crew. MTV host Kurt Loder described the scene in the July 27, 1999 issue of USA Today, saying 'It was dangerous to be around. The whole scene was scary. There were just waves of hatred bouncing around the place. It was clear we had to get out of there. It was like a concentration camp. To get in, you get frisked to make sure you're not bringing in any water or food that would prevent you from buying from their outrageously priced booths. You wallow around in garbage and human waste. There was a palpable mood of anger." After some time, a large force of New York State Troopers, local police, and various other law enforcement arrived. Most had crowd control gear and proceeded to form a riot-line that flushed the crowd to the northwest, away from the stage located at the eastern end of the airfield. Few of the crowd offered strong resistance and they dispersed quickly back toward the campground and out the main entrance.
          There was an extraordinary aftermath to the Woodstock '99 festival. Police investigated four alleged instances of rape that occurred during the concert. Eyewitnesses reported a crowd-surfing woman being pulled down into the crowd and gang-raped in the moshpit during Limp Bizkit's set. A volunteer also reported seeing a gang-rape during the Korn performance. Seven arrests were made on the final night of the concert and, afterward, police reviewed video footage, hoping to identify and hold accountable rapists and looters who, amid the chaos, had not been arrested. Approximately 12 trailers, a small bus and a number of booths and portable toilets were burned in the fray.
          Despite six people being injured there were no recorded deaths at the concert site. One individual, David DeRosia had collapsed in the mosh pit during the Metallica performance. Concert medical staff initially tried to treat his symptoms which were seizures and what doctors had suspected to be a drug overdose. Mr. DeRosia was transferred to the main medical center at the Air Force base then airlifted to University Hospital in Syracuse New York. A little more than an hour after he had collapsed, Mr. DeRosia's body temperature was 107 degrees. The following afternoon, Mr. DeRosia was in a coma and a doctor had diagnosed him with "hyperthermia, probably secondary to heat stroke". After being in a coma for another day, Mr. DeRosia passed away at 12:09pm on Monday July 26th, 1999.
          The autopsy report ruled the death as accidental and listed the cause of death to be hyperthermia along with an enlarged heart and obesity. In 2001, the mother of David DeRosia filed a lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court against the promoters of Woodstock 1999 and six doctors who worked at the event. The lawsuit stated that Mr. DeRosia died because concert promoters were negligent by not providing enough fresh water and inadequate medical care for 200,000 attendees.
          All in all, the concert had a good start which soon led to a disaster due to the overpriced merchandise being sold there and the anxiousness of the crowd. The total amount of bands who preformed at Woodstock '99 was 101 bands who some still exist today.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Crucible Essay

          In the play The Crucible all citizens living in the new world practiced a strict religion of Christianity. So strict you could be punished for preaching against the religion. Going against religion would be considered a social issue, as in the play, John Proctor was accused of witch craft. Witch craft was seen as a scandalous practice of actions that contradicts Christianity.
          John Proctor along with hundreds of others were accused during this social movement known as the "Salem Witch Trials." Before I continue on lets talk clarify the difference between social correctness and political correctness. Social correctness is the mod mentality of the mass majority pressuring people into thinking that a certain action is correct or incorrect. Political correctness is what the law says is correct or incorrect no argument whatsoever.
          Unlike the 21st century people weren't aloud to practice free religion in the 15th century because "Christianity is the correct path," as stated from the church and high clergymen and in that time the church had high powerful choices on politics so not only did the other "godless" or "non-believers" seize the social view but also went against the political views.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Descriptive Essay

                                                    One Unfortunate Night

          It was a cool night, a night with the "bros" exchanging insults and laughter. It was the four of us going for a ride to all be dropped off at different locations. It went Brian the driver, Derrick riding shotgun, me behind the the diver seat, and my cousin Eddie to my right. We first go to drop off Derrick at a night club on Santamonica Boulevard. The part of Santamonica that is a little west and looks flamboyant. We're all making fun of him saying " Derrick why are you going to a gay night club?" But the reason why was because he was leaving California and his friends chose to have a going away party a at gay night club. However, we arrive and just sit in the car parked by the curve and talk for a couple of minutes with busy traffic to our side. We think we see high beams from a cars head lights behind us as a signal telling us to move, so we  move forward just a couple feet then we hear the dreaded sound of a siren.
          "WHEW" the police car made. We instantly stopped and I look backwards to see the patriotic colors of our country flashing gloriously. Red, blue, red, blue. We all simultaneously say our different favorite words "shit, uh-oh, fuck, great." My heart is beating moderately fast and I'm thinking "the officer will know nothing bad was intended." I was wrong. As soon as the officer walked up to my door then Brian's door he had his gun drawn blinding me with his light. He aggressively orders "Hands on the dash board and head rest!" We comply. He further orders Brian to open the door slowly and get out with his hands up. The officer forces Brian against my window, quickly takes his hands, cuffs him, pats him down shoulder to ankles, takes his wallet, phone, car keys and escorts Brian to the back of the cruiser. I look at Eddie and we both have this terrified look on our faces. The officer comes back and I can feel my arms trembling while holding the head rest. The Officer orders Derrick to step out through the driver side with his hands up and initiates the same cuff n' pat sequence taking anything in his pockets then off to the back of the cruiser Derrick went.
          The officer is back again for me, holding his pistol in my face and what seemed like the sun under the barrel of his gun because it was blinding me. He orders me to open the door slowly and that seemed like the longest seven seconds in my life. I step out with my hands up and caught a glimpse at the traffic waiting on the red light, there was a lot of faces of curiosity. I'm nervous, sweating, and my mouth is dry. The officer quickly turns me around cuffs me, pushes me against the car, and starts his pat down. Collar of my shirt, shoulders, arms, torso, hips, legs. Then he searched my pockets. Left pocket, pulled out my phone, back left pocket nothing, right pocket my keys, back right pocket my wallet. After he took my wallet I became a little ornery and turned my head to look at what he's doing with my wallet but he shouted an order to keep looking forward, I complied. I can see Eddie looking me in the eyes through the back window, a stare that lasted a few seconds but again, it felt like minutes. The officer then says "Okay Ryan, come this way," and walks me to the back of his cruiser and fits me in with Brian and Derrick. He closes the door and goes for Eddie.
          I jokingly say "Now what?" But I only receive the stare of eyes back into mine from Brian and Derrick. I look out the front window to watch the officer pat down Eddie, and Eddie was in a Hollywood high baseball uniform because he had a game that day so the officer gave him a little more leeway, didn't cuff him, and just spoke to him. The officer then comes back to the cruiser and inputs our I.D. cards that he took from our wallets into his computer. The officer asked us "Why did we do it?" And we responded with our reason about the high beams. He then takes us out one by one and uncuffs us while telling us "If there was any personal offence during my procedure I apologize because after ten years of working in the police force I have had people drive off like that because they either have guns or drugs on them." We acknowledge what he says and he gives us back our belongings and we part ways. Derrick goes to the club the officer drives off and Brian, Eddie, and I get back in the car in a little shock. fortunately the officer didn't the check the trunk, because that would have led to a different story.