Friday, February 20, 2015

The Crucible Essay

          In the play The Crucible all citizens living in the new world practiced a strict religion of Christianity. So strict you could be punished for preaching against the religion. Going against religion would be considered a social issue, as in the play, John Proctor was accused of witch craft. Witch craft was seen as a scandalous practice of actions that contradicts Christianity.
          John Proctor along with hundreds of others were accused during this social movement known as the "Salem Witch Trials." Before I continue on lets talk clarify the difference between social correctness and political correctness. Social correctness is the mod mentality of the mass majority pressuring people into thinking that a certain action is correct or incorrect. Political correctness is what the law says is correct or incorrect no argument whatsoever.
          Unlike the 21st century people weren't aloud to practice free religion in the 15th century because "Christianity is the correct path," as stated from the church and high clergymen and in that time the church had high powerful choices on politics so not only did the other "godless" or "non-believers" seize the social view but also went against the political views.

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